Patterning of HeLa Cells on a Microfabricated Au-Coated ITO Substrate
JIN L H, YANG B Y, ZHANG L, et al.
Patterning of HeLa Cells on a Microfabricated Au-Coated ITO Substrate [J]. Langmuir, 2009, 25(9): 5380-3.
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of Hela cells showing selective immobilization on the exposed ITO substrate.
Figure 2. Cyclic voltammogramof theAu/ITOsubstrate in contact with the agarose Stamp. The figure insert is the amperometric curve of the Au film in close contact with agarose at a potential of 1.0 V.
Figure 3. (a)Microscope image of fabricated straight line arrays on Au/ITO on a large scale. (b)Microscope images of the convex straight lines on a master of Si, and (c) the corresponding microstructures fabricated on an Au/ITO surface.
Figure 4. Microscope image of HeLa cells attached with different patterns showing that cells adhered selectively to the surface of the exposed ITO surface.
Figure 5. Inverted microscopic image of HeLa cells dyed with CFDA SE.